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If the student is under age 18 as of the first day of school, the following information must be provided and signed by a local guardian and parent of the student: NAME OF STUDENT: ________________________________________________________________ Family Name First Name DATE OF BIRTH: __________________________ F-1 Visa Status: ___________ Month/Date/Year SEVIS # DESIGNATED U.S. GUARDIAN I understand and agree to take full responsibility for above named student for all matters including any medical, legal, financial and personal matters until the student reaches the age of 18. I am obligated to notify the District and the dependents parent if my status as Designated U.S. Guardian or legal residence changes. PRINTED NAME OF GUARDIAN: ______________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF GUARDIAN: _______________________________ DATE: _________________ ADDRESS OF GUARDIAN:____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER OF GUARDIAN: _____________________________________________________ PARENT By completing and signing this form, I agree that the person named above will act as guardian for my child until he/she reaches the age of 18. 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